Why Should I Track My Company’s Printing Activity?

When you sit down and start thinking about how you can improve your company’s performance, printing activity is probably not on your mind, but it should be. While printing may seem like an auxiliary piece of your business’ practices, it plays a critical role in how your company functions and how your employees carry out their day-to-day tasks. From printing company memos to keep your team on the same page or HR files that track employee data, to printing reports of your company’s performance and private financial information to review in meetings, all of those sheets of paper that you don’t think too much about add up without you even realizing it. So what if you did start tracking everything that you printed? What would you find? While often overlooked, printing is an area that, when controlled and optimized, can help save your organization money, keep your private corporate information safe, and even improve your employees’ efficiency and productivity. How? That’s where JMD comes in. We are a premier printing product and support provider based in the Philippines that is here to help you take control of your printing, and we’ve put together this guide on why you should be tracking your company’s printing activity. Learn more below.

Reducing Waste & Saving Money

When it comes to reducing the amount your company spends on auxiliary practices and resources, every cent you save adds up quickly. Printing has a lot more costs associated with it than you may think. You may be used to buying a new ink or laser cartridge for when they run out, but what about the reams of paper that you’re going through, or the wear and tear on the printer itself that may warrant repairs or even replacement in the future? Every page that was misprinted, those 20 extra copies of the company memo that got thrown in the recycling bin, and even those reports on your desk that probably could have just been emailed, you’ll be able to see where the amount of printing in your organization could be cut down. Would you rather continue wasting money or save, reinvest, and continue growing your business?

Information Security

From your employees’ social security numbers and your company’s latest finances to memos with important upcoming projects and other pieces of proprietary information, a lot can end up on a piece of paper. Whether you’re worried about sensitive information ending up in the wrong hands, or you just want to track the flow of information throughout your organization, a printing management system is just what you need. You can view screenshots of the documents that your team printed throughout the day or even limit the printing volume for specific employees, putting you in control.

Improving Efficiency & Productivity

Once you dive into the data that a printing management system provides, you’ll be surprised by what you can achieve. Maybe you’ll notice that your team is taking the time to print out memos when they could have saved time by just sending an email, or you identify specific days when the amount of printing and copying is particularly high and causes people to waste time waiting for their turn on the machine. With the data at your fingertips, you can start to create strategies to optimize your employees’ workflow. The possibilities are endless.